Hello my faithful followers! You are receiving this post just to let you know that I have a new address!! You can now find me at jkcardsonline.com! I moved my blog to hosted WordPress site so I can do more with it. As soon as I learn all of the ins and outs I will do just that. This post is just to let you know that there will be no more posts coming from jkcards.wordpress.com. Going forward I will be using the new address. So please update your bookmarks. If you subscribe to the blog through email and are receiving this all is good! If you follow me though WordPress or Bloglovin’ you might have to update them. I will look and see if there is anything on my end that I can do to update them for you. I appreciate your patience (I think I said I was going to start this a year ago!) it’s finally done! A huge thank you to Andrew for all of his help, I couldn’t have done it without him!! See you in the morning for the first card post! Have a great evening! π
P.S.: I will post this on the old site as the last post so if you get an email twice, once from the old one and once from the new one I apologize! π
<a href=”http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/13060265/?claim=zuuujx487hk”>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
Hi Justin.. Love your cards. Thanks for the heads up. There is one problem that I have encountered. With my email, I’m able to ‘filter’ emails that I recieve so that they go directly to a folder rather than filling up my inbox. With your switch I used to be able to filter it to the folder I had set up for your emails. With your new blog, the email address that comes through is donotreply@wordpress.com which is what nearly every stampin up blogger I subscribe to uses, making it really difficult to force emails directly into a folder. Is there anyway to fix what the email address is?
Hello Martina!
Thank you very much! Hmm… I’ll have to look into the reply email. I don;t know why it would do that. Can you filter by subject? I will check into it and let you know. Thanks for the heads up! Have a nice night! π